[compiz] Move KDE Plasma Integration to KDE Git Infrastructure

Martin Gräßlin kde at martin-graesslin.com
Sun Jan 23 06:08:45 PST 2011

On Friday 21 January 2011 07:57:17 Danny Baumann wrote:
> So you want to do a release whenever something significant in Kwin _or_
> in Compiz changes?
> And do two releases (0.8, 0.9), at least as long as
> 0.8 is widely used?
not sure if 0.8 is really required to be supported and even if the Sam's idea 
to have both in one sounds better. If distri's continue to ship 0.8 together 
with recent versions of KDE, it would be better to tell them to drop KWD 
(quite pointless to include something what crashes in all cases).
> Fine with me then, as long as I don't have to go
> through hoops to commit ;-)
With git that should not be a problem ;-)

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