[CREATE] Re: shared resources

Boudewijn Rempt boud at valdyas.org
Tue Aug 16 23:34:14 PDT 2005

On Wednesday 17 August 2005 01:36, Alan Horkan wrote:
> (sorry for breaking the thread, my subscription request got delayed
> and timed out but I'm properly subscribed now)
> http://www.lrn.ru/~avp/specs/shared_resources_spec_0.0.3.txt
> Cinepaint - ???
> If I recall correctly Cinepaint uses an version of the GIMP Brush (.gbr)
> extended to allow greater colour depth but with no other major changes.
> (I believe these changes caused some compatibility problems which have
> since been worked around.  Cinepaint largely used the same
> as the gimp but with a few extras to support colour depth you might want
> to update the other ??? to reflect that it supports the same as gimp and
> more).

Are they actually resolved? I looked around yesterday, but I could only find 
places mentioning the incompatiblity, and I know for sure that Krita cannot 
read Cinepaint brushes yet (but Adrian Page is working on that).

Boudewijn Rempt 
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