[CREATE] Re: shared resources

Alan Horkan horkana at maths.tcd.ie
Wed Aug 17 12:15:38 PDT 2005

On Wed, 17 Aug 2005, Boudewijn Rempt wrote:

> > If I recall correctly Cinepaint uses an version of the GIMP Brush (.gbr)
> > extended to allow greater colour depth but with no other major changes.
> > (I believe these changes caused some compatibility problems which have
> > since been worked around.  Cinepaint largely used the same
> > as the gimp but with a few extras to support colour depth you might want
> > to update the other ??? to reflect that it supports the same as gimp and
> > more).
> Are they actually resolved? I looked around yesterday, but I could only find
> places mentioning the incompatiblity, and I know for sure that Krita cannot
> read Cinepaint brushes yet (but Adrian Page is working on that).

Well not so much resolved as the gimp ignores the bits it doesn't
understand so things mostly work but dont take my word for it best check
with the CinePaint or Gimp developers to be sure.

- Alan

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