[CREATE] shared resources spec

Daniel James daniel at 64studio.com
Mon Nov 7 03:12:26 PST 2005

Hi Craig,

> Alexandre provided a tarball of files recently, however we still
> have no agreement on the base directory.
> What I would propose is an agreement on /usr/share/create as an
> interim solution

Better to have a final decision than an interim solution :-) These 
things have a habit of sticking once they've been adopted.

> I
> think pushing the create project into distros is an important step
> and until we have a 0.1 release its a bit hard to start that.

We'd like 64 Studio to be the first distro to adopt the shared 
resources package. Presumably though, if you want to put fonts in 
there, they won't be under /usr/share/create. What about putting the 
various objects in their own directories, eg /usr/share/palettes and 
so on? That would appear to be a more generic solution.

Whatever you decide, please, please make it LSB 3.0 and therefore FHS 
2.3 compliant:




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