[CREATE] shared resources spec
Alexandre Prokoudine
alexandre.prokoudine at gmail.com
Mon Nov 7 05:33:53 PST 2005
On 11/7/05, Craig Bradney <cbradney at zip.com.au> wrote:
> Except there are very few good (for DTP at least) free fonts. So many of the
> distros include the most buggy, unreliable, unrippable fonts. I guess it
> would be a way of sorting out the junk from the rest. There would not be many
> to install. You would have to separate them like:
> /usr/share/fonts/DTP
> /usr/share/fonts/web
> but that will get messy with all the TTF/TTC/Type1/OTF/dfont etc etc options
> out there. There are probably enough font standard locations now without
> adding another.
If distrubuting fonts in subdirectories is not related to proposal for
"Better Font Selection Widget" by Edward H. Trager
(http://eyegene.ophthy.med.umich.edu/unicode/fontdialog/), then I
don't understands what advantages it would give us.
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