[CREATE] OpenRaster core XML pondering (Re: OpenRaster page)

Øyvind Kolås oeyvindk at hig.no
Mon Aug 21 01:36:39 PDT 2006

* Jon Phillips <jon at rejon.org> [060821 10:22]:
>> ...
> This all looks pretty interesting...where else is this spec'd out?
> Krita-devs, what are you guys thinking? Pippin, it would be great to get
> some more core gimp developers on here to discuss this as well...

This isn't spec'ed further out, except perhaps a few more examples done
with pen in a notebook. and thus is not implemented yet. But it can be
seen as an evolution of oxide[1], xcf2[2] or the current XML processing
tree format in GEGL CVS [3].

> What does OpenDocument use for the root element? I wonder how we can
> best integrate with ODF?

This is only the core XML representation of a tree of layers. Further
specing would also entail things like deciding if groups of layers even
should be allowed in a baseline, what set of operations needs to be
available etc. For now I might even just continue using <gegl> as the
root level element.

/Øyvind K.

1: http://pippin.gimp.org/oxide/
2: http://pippin.gimp.org/xcf2/
3: http://pippin.gimp.org/gegl/
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