[CREATE] What is a tint?

Olivier BERTEN olivier.berten at gmail.com
Tue Jun 10 12:20:54 PDT 2008

The reason of my question is that Wikipedia 
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tints_and_shades> tells about melting the 
color with white (or the complementary) while Pantone 
speaks (in french) about "fonds tramés". So obviously, Pantone's (and 
Louis') answer is for printing while Wikipedia's is for painting.

Next question: should tints come into color swatches? How to implement 
that in the create (or SVG) model?

(I think the question of opaque spot inks on coloured papers needs to be 
discussed in its own thread)

Louis Desjardins a écrit :

> 2008/6/7 Olivier BERTEN <olivier.berten at gmail.com 
> <mailto:olivier.berten at gmail.com>>:
>     This is a question for the printing professionals in the list.
>     What is a tint of ABC (technically speaking)? 
>     - ink ABC printed at x%
> Right. What happens when you ask the application to produce such a 
> tint is it sends to the imagesetter or platesetter the instruction to 
> produce a screen at the given percentage. On press, this will result 
> in printed dots, large or small, to produce a darker or a lighter 
> tint. The ink itself is alsways printed at 100% on each dot and the 
> mix between the unprinted portion and the printed portion on the paper 
> fools the human eyes and makes it believe there is a tint of that ink.
>     - x% ink ABC melt with (100-x)% of white ink
>     - x% ink ABC melt with (100-x)% of transparent varnish
>     - ???
>     Is it used in printing or only in paint?
> If one is going to use white ink into an ink mix, this applies to spot 
> colors such as Pantone. It's basically to obtain a specific color for 
> a specific plate.

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