[CREATE] limit of tolerance [was: Pitching a community-funded conference]

Craig Bradney cbradney at zip.com.au
Sat Mar 15 12:25:13 PDT 2008

<snip a whole lot of utter crap>

I'd like to point out that this is the *create* mailing list. Those that wish 
to bring up history that happened before the creation of this list should 
take it elsewhere. You guys go over and over and over the same old stuff, and 
never get anywhere. Just agree to disagree and get on with life - and stop 
publicly abusing each other. Accept that the separate projects have their own 
goals, their own managers and leaders and coders - even if you disagree with 

LGM is supposed to be a place where we can all coexist, to better the free 
software and environment relating to graphics, and actually make some 
progress. If opposing groups wish to go, then great, but don't bring up this 
history there. Sit on the opposite sides of the rooms and think nasty 
thoughts if you must, but dont let it get in the way of the discussions that 
you want to have within your own teams, with other teams, and the users that 
have come to watch and ask questions.


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