[CREATE] Font Select Dreams

Dave Crossland dave at lab6.com
Sun Aug 30 14:44:15 PDT 2009

2009/8/30 Braydon Fuller <courier at braydon.com>:
> What I am curious about searching for now is typefaces that are an
> expression of software freedom. But not necessarily the licensing of
> free software. A tight integration between software and typefaces, where
> the letter forms have source code like a program rather than just paths,
> etc. So when doing typeface explorations, you may not pull out the
> digital draw of typefaces, but may do some hacking on a typeface source
> code to come up with something new.
> Do you know of any projects like that?

This is how TeX's METAFONT works.

I am slowly trying to get the http://openfontlibrary.fontly.org
project out of beta, and set up some kind of "libre font foundation"
to do fund raising activities and (a) hire type designers to make
great new libre fonts and (b) hire programmers to make great new
font-making tools, like, say, a METAFONT gui.

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