[CREATE] LGM 2009 update

alessandro rimoldi ale.comp_06 at xox.ch
Sat Feb 14 12:00:32 PST 2009


> We desperately need a new logo. Alessandro Rimoldi has some basic one,
> but you will probably prefer some other logo as a final one :)

the logo was basic on purpose... but i have nothing against finding a better one! a real good one.

jegHegi has already made a proposal which i liked and which he will send to the list soon.

as a side note: the logo which i was proposing (see http://xox.ch/lgm/) was developed with the following concerns in mind:

- easy to reproduce: one color and clear lines.

- it can be used in other contexts where the subject is "libre graphics" and where several of our projects are represented (like my booth at openexpo.ch).

- it recalls the previews logos: i think it's important to establish a LG(M) logo/look which will be recognized by sponsors, press and users. i'm comfortable with a new logo, but i think also that we should then settle on it for a few years.

what do you think of that considerations?

have a nice sunday!

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