[CREATE] LGM website

Joao S. O. Bueno gwidion at mpc.com.br
Tue Feb 17 16:17:06 PST 2009

On Tuesday 17 February 2009, alessandro rimoldi wrote:
> buonasera,
> i've put a first version of the lgm website on
> http://www.libregraphicsmeeting.org/2009/ .
> tomorrow (the 18th of february) i will activate the automatic redirect to
> the 2009 site.
> can you please check if there are big errors floating around?
> also, i'd like to ask the member of the projects represented at lgm, to
> check if they are in the project list and to send me a (better) description
> of their project.

Hi - -GIMP's descritpion can stay as it is -- it is fine.
But all ocurrences of "The GIMP" should be swapped to simply "GIMP" -
and maybe, on the front page:
s/The GIMP, the raster graphics editor/GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program, 
for raster graphics/

Thank you nonetheless.

> you should send a short list of 4-5 points for the frame on the left and a
> longer description of maximum 1000 characters for there side (among the
> descriptions currently on the web, the only one which is not too long is
> the one for the GIMP).
> for the 5 main projects i also need a very short description (one
> sentence!) for the main page.
> if you can deliver the texts in english and in french you will make me very
> very happy.
> concerning the logo, i've uploaded the page as it was. i will probably put
> the the (third) logo suggested by pierre in the next few days.
> if we can agree on another logo i will be pleased to put it on the web!
> finally, the site is not yet tested with IE... i try not to forget to do it
> tomorrow and fix the css to have an acceptable result with a minimal
> effort. (if anybody knows how to put an orange circle around "sign up"
> please contact me.)
Looks fine on konqueror 3.5 - with an orange-circlke around it already there.


> did i miss anything?
> good night!
> a.l.e
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