[CREATE] State of resources spec

Anders Brander anders at brander.dk
Fri Feb 20 07:29:42 PST 2009


On Fri, 2009-02-20 at 17:04 +0300, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
> > Alexandre, you have been one of the main drivers on this, so what is
> > the next step on this? I think we should just push the simplest spec
> > possible and then if useful, put the next stuff into a future version.
> Evaluation is now split into
> http://create.freedesktop.org/wiki/index.php/Shared_resources_evaluation
> Item 2 will follow soon. But first I'd love to hear from
> 3xAnders at Rawstudio about their plans for curves:
> - what file format they use

We use a very simple XML file format listing the points, but it wont
make much sense for anyone else to try to interpret it, see below.

> - if they are willing to support formats supported by UFRaw (its own +
> a number of TRC), GIMP and Krita

I think we already have (unannounced) support for reading UFRaw curve
files, but it's a two-fold problem.

1) Reading the data.
This is the easy part, importing curve points points isn't that hard.

2) Interpreting the data.
This is the hard part. There's multiple problems in replicating the
transform of the origin application. How should the points be
interpolated? Should the curve be applied to RGB-data? Seperate
luma-channel? Gamma-corrected? What should it affect? Just intensity?
Saturation..? and so on...

I'm sure all this could be embedded in the file format somehow. But to
answer your question, yes we are willing to support other formats, but I
see some big technical challenges in doing so.

> > Alexandre, could this be something good to drive home towards LGM and
> > something you'd like to talk about at LGM?
> This is something I will start thinking about only when I'm sure I
> come this year. Which is sort of unlikely :)

I'm sorry to hear that :(


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