[CREATE] Foreground/Background color ?

GSR - FR famrom at infernal-iceberg.com
Fri Feb 20 10:15:25 PST 2009

olivier.berten at gmail.com (2009-02-19 at 2144.50 +0100):
> I was wondering: How does it make sense to have a foreground and a  
> background color in multi-layer + alpha environments like GIMP, Krita or  
> Photoshop?

Ignore the name and keep the concept in mind, then you see the
benefit: quick way to swap 2 working colours, like keeping a pair of
loaded paintbrushes in the hand to perform shading. Of course, a
colour watch can be used, but then you have to add more keybindings
(the more colours, the more keys for direct access or the slower with
next/prev ops) or spend time traveling to select with the pointer.

If you are proposing a change beyond names, please consider that.
Adding some extras, speeding up other things, fine; but think you
could be slowing down current workflows without providing an equal or
faster solution.


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