[CREATE] updated pledgie page

Nathan Willis nwillis at glyphography.com
Tue Feb 24 06:20:30 PST 2009

I feel like I should point out again that I did send the press release
out in one round last Wed as was originally planned. That was to the
newsfeed-oriented sites. Unfortunatley right after that I had to leave
for SCALE (more news on that later), but the original version did go
out on schedule. New round we need to hit more news-story sites, and
we need to get the community bloggers onboard -- badge and so on.


On 2/24/09, Jon Phillips <jon at rejon.org> wrote:
> Alexandre: Does the pledgie campaign reflect the press release latest?
> And the date for sending things?
> A_L_E: Is there anything else to be done on the website before this
> press goes out? I'm a bit out of the loop if there were changes made
> over the weekend that need to be pushed out. Is the updated logo going
> to go out or registration form? Not so many stepped up to comment on
> these items last email, so I'm a bit anxious to not delay this press
> anymore. But, if these two items others feel strongly about, then can
> delay.
> If a few give greenlight, lets try to get the press out tomorrow
> around noon CST. Is that okay? Nathan and Alexandre is that cool?
> The pledgie issue has been sorted. So, money should be going through.
> If you donated and didn't receive confirmation, please email on this
> thread or offlist.
> http://create.freedesktop.org/wiki/index.php/LGM2009_Press_Release
> Ok, cool!
> Jon
> --
> Jon Phillips
> http://rejon.org/
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