[CREATE] OpenRaster fallbacks (proposal/RFC)

Jon A. Cruz jon at joncruz.org
Wed Jul 29 23:40:45 PDT 2009

On Jul 28, 2009, at 7:43 AM, Cyrille Berger wrote:

> On Saturday 25 July 2009, Martin Renold wrote:
> > Does anyone think this is a bad idea? Anyone got a different idea?
> I don't think that having a tag decided the use of the next tag is  
> a good XML
> design (but then I am not an expert at XML...), I am not even sure  
> we can
> enforce that in a schema.

Um... "eek!"

When phrased that way, it seems like a very un-XML approach to things.

It strikes me that the MIME fallback approach might be something to  
keep in mind. A simple container of multipart/mixed, then a list of  
possible alternatives in order of preference.

My guess of how that would translate in this case:

     <text name="rendered text" >
         <content>some text</content>
     <projection src="data/text_fallback.png" />

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