[CREATE] OpenRaster clarifications

Cyrille Berger cberger at cberger.net
Sat Jun 20 09:22:23 PDT 2009

On Tuesday 16 June 2009, Calle Laakkonen wrote:
> Hello.
> I am the developer of DrawPile, which is an online collaborative drawing
> program. I just added a simple implementation of OpenRaster as DrawPile's
> default format. It appears to be compatible with MyPaint, but I haven't
> tried it with Krita yet.
> There are a few ambiguities in the specification I'd like to confirm,
> however.
> First, layers and nested layer stacks have coordinates which default to 0.
> I assume these are relative to the parent element? For example if a have a
> layer stack like this:
> <stack>
> 	<stack x="10" y="10">
> 		<layer x="-5" y="0"/>
> 	</stack>
> </stack>
> In this case, is (5, 10) the real position of the layer or are all
> coordinates absolute?

Currently Krita saves using global coordinate. I think they are arguments 
against/in favor of each, but in my opinion, the one in favor of global 
outweight the local one, I think it's much much easier to work with only one 
global frame than with frame a frame per group.

> Third, what is the range of the opacity property? I assume it is 0.0 to
> 1.0, but this isn't specified anywhere in the OpenRaster docs. It would
> also be nice to have an attribute to mark a layer as hidden independant of
> its opacity.

We should probably mention that the default range of all value is 0.0-1.0 
(unless the spec says that a given parameter is an exception).

> Finally, what's the status of the text element currently? DrawPile has
> annotations, which are pretty much equivalent to text layers in other
> programs (except that DP annotations always float on top of the image), so
> naturally I'd like to be able to save those as well.

There is currently nothing defined. But I am thinking that the choice is:
* the <text> element of ODF
* or since we plan to allow to have SVG layers, if the svg text element is 
sufficient for openraster need, it could be possible to save text as a SVG layer

Cyrille Berger
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