[CREATE] LGM 2010 Website

Yuval Levy create07 at sfina.com
Fri Oct 2 21:27:51 PDT 2009

Jan Claeys wrote:
> What about s/Libre/Liberation/ or s/Libre/Liberty/ ?

honestly and directly: the concept of Freedom (and it does not matter 
what synonyms are being used) is overloaded, overburdened, and IMO far 
from central to what our tools are and do.

I've experienced it once again when I dared putting my nose out of our 
small OpenSource community and publish the release of the newest Hugin 
source code in a larger community of panoramic photographers.

They don't see Freedom as we do. To them, dealing with the source code 
is actually a burden. They rather be free from it than free to do it. 
They prefer freeware to Free software. As much as we love to lift the 
car's hood and fiddle with the motor, they dread it. And I am not 
interested preaching Freedom to them.

> Or use "CLS" for "Creativity Liberation Suite"...  ;-)
> (It liberates your creativity in both artistic & philosophical ways!)

I don't need to have my creativity "liberated". neither artistically nor 
philosophically. I do what I do because I want to do it. If my byproduct 
is useful to you, so be it. If it is not, I don't care. And if you 
prefer to pay Adobe for something that in my opinion is extremely 
limiting of my creativity, I am fine with that too. See what I mean? :-)

Activism is uninteresting. It is time to mature beyond it.

> You might want to set up some sort of a brainstorm session during LGM
> 2010 about this...

I don't think that a formal conference session in more than half year is 
required to spin some thoughts and give some feedback. We're not in the 
corporate world, or are we?

I am shocked at the apathy *here* on this mailing list.

Alexandre Leray has proposed a beautiful website for LGM2010 [0]. It 
introduces some radical design changes. I can't believe that only four 
people have an opinion about it. Is the silent majority just approving? 
or is it shell-shocked? How should we know?

Alessandro Rimoldi has come up with a sensible proposal [1] to discuss, 
think in more detail, and codify a common graphic aspect for our 
projects. This should IMO also trigger some introspection and 
questioning about our purpose. It's nice to meet once a year, tap on 
each other's shoulder when showing / seeing the latest and greatest 
technical (and a few artistic) achievements of the year. And then? 
lethargy for the rest of the year? everybody on his own?

What has LGM achieved that could not be achieved without it? I've only 
participated in 2007 and 2009, so I am not the one to judge.

I am missing a constant flow, an ongoing, stimulating discussion. 
Something like on each project's mailing list, but at the meta level.

have a good weekend

[0] http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/create/2009-September/002056.html

I don't think that going to a conference to discuss such a topic that 
can be discussed perfectly on  a mailing

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