[CREATE] Libre Graphics Day miniconf - Call for Participation

Nicolas Spalinger nicolas_spalinger at sil.org
Mon Oct 5 01:54:48 PDT 2009

jon at joncruz.org wrote:
> Libre Graphics Day is a one day miniconf at linux.conf.au
> in Wellington, New Zealand on Monday 18th January, 2010.
> This is a broad call for participation.
> Do you develop, use, document, or train with Free Software Graphix
> tools? Tools such as GIMP, Inkscape, Scribus, Blender, Krita, Sk1,
> Fontforge and Fontmatrix. Are you involved in the testing and
> development of the sub-systems and libraries on which these apps
> depend?Submit proposal now!
>  * The X Window system
>  * GEGL, Hugin, Oyranos
>  * I/O devices and drivers; tablets, mice, keyboards, monitors,printers
>  * Colour and Font Management
>  * Cross-platform tools - developing for multiple platforms
>  * Open Standards and file format interoperability: PDF, SVG, PNG etc
>  * Open Content: clip art, fonts, creative commons, etc

Hi everyone,

A small but rather important point: fonts classify under software and
not content. Although I agree that open fonts are crucial for open
content creation, the fonts themselves are not the content :-)

So anyone from the fonts side of things contributing to the Libre
Graphics Day miniconf yet? I'll fwd to some font-related lists.


Nicolas Spalinger, NRSI volunteer
Debian/Ubuntu font teams / OpenFontLibrary

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