[CREATE] LGM 2010 Website

Femke Snelting snelting at collectifs.net
Sat Oct 17 02:50:15 PDT 2009

Cyrille Berger wrote:
> What about both ? We could have the "dev" day followed by the "user" day. I 
> think it's also important to have technical presentation to see the 
> possibility for applications, and indeed, user showing applications is kind of 
> cool, I think my favorite presentation in Wroclaw was Andy making a crazy 
> display of what can be done with inkscape ;)

Nice to start imagining the actual programme (should we split this 
thread again?)!

It looks like next LGM there will be several local art schools involved, 
and also a growing number of design professionals is getting seriously 
interested in Libre Graphics. Plus the location will help to welcome a 
diverse public I hope...

Why not keep the good LGM tradition alive where user and developer 
events mix (so to not split up into two tracks)? I always found it 
inspiring that at LGM you can learn about both perspectives; even when I 
might not always grasp the technical implications of certain 
developer-oriented talks. Also, sometimes users and developers are 
actually the same people ;-)

For the Brussels edition, I'd like to organise a series of 
user-developer workshops; it seems a good format to really find out from 
each other. Much work still to be done there, to make those more than 
incidental/accidental but looking forward to it already!


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