[CREATE] LGM 2010 Website

Yuval Levy create07 at sfina.com
Sat Oct 17 12:52:16 PDT 2009

Dear Stani,

I agree with many of the points you raise.

Stani wrote:
> the discussion of the new website is mixing "How do you like this
> website?" with "Should we profile ourself with a consistent style
> (logo, website, color palette, ...) across the years?".

there is indeed a mixup. and IMO also a misunderstanding. I thought the 
discussion happened two years ago which is why LGM 2008 had the same 
logo as LGM 2007, and why I consider what is going on now a regression 
from [0].

there might be an "LGM style gets reinvented every year" bug. I see a 
deeper, underlying bug which is "the wheel gets reinvented every year".

> Logo design is all about communication

are we communicating so different things from year to year that require 
a different logo?

> Concerning the LGM organisation I worry more about other issues:
> - such as attracting more sponsors

how about retaining sponsors? if there is continuity and value for them, 
they will participate and contribute. You probably know that LGM 2008 in 
Montréal was concurrent with BSDCan 2008 in Ottawa (less than 200Km /2 
hours by train away), and that Leslie Hawthorn of Google's Open Source 
Office gave a presentation about Google's Summer of Code there (and in 
2007 too). How come BSDCan attracts and retains Google and LGM not? what 
is similar and what is different between those two Open Source driven 

I could add more to this, but don't have time now, nor am I sure that my 
opinions would matter in this context. I agree with you that there is a 
train running and I don't want to be the one who delays it.

> And hey Yuval, I hope you participate again at LGM Brussels! LGM needs
> people like you. Although I agree with you that Peters reply was
> offensive, it is no reason not to participate.

Thank you for the kind words. I re-read my statement. "bailing out" = 
"bailing out of the discussion". It's too early now for me to even think 
of where I will be in May 2010. LGM Bruxelles is penciled in, but my 
personal circumstances are changing and I can't even say from which 
airport I would depart. My personal bug tracker, on the other hand, is 
pretty much constant [1]. My FLOSS bug tracker is currently full [2] and 
on the side I still have invoices to pay.

I trust you, Femke, and the rest of the welcoming people in Bruxelles to 
do what is best for the conference there. And I can only state kindly 
that I am against reinventing the wheel every time. Copy & Paste is a 
wonderful function.


[0] http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/create/2009-February/001571.html

[1] http://panospace.wordpress.com/2009/10/17/my-personal-bug-tracker/

[2] http://groups.google.com/group/hugin-ptx/msg/9e45c067a82b6416

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