[CREATE] [LGF-LGA] Ok, let's start with a website

Camille Bissuel cbissuel at yagraph.org
Fri Aug 6 09:40:45 PDT 2010

Hi all,

I'm very late on this topic, but at least I took time to think about.

I do intend to go on with the "Libre graphic Association" project, after
some time to let this list discuss on the next LGM venue, and some time to
learn and accept than the idea will not please everyone in our large

Despite that, I still believe that we need to raise founds for the libre
graphics projects, to make it more professional, and to promote our tools,
standards and teaching.
I'm honestly amazed, discovering Blender 2.5 beta and the Sintel movie, on
what the Blender Foundation and its community had achieved in a so short
time, and I wish that others projects could be so wealthy.

So, as usually in open source world, let's start by practice to demonstrate
the LGA project relevance.
I will work on a website build for LGA in coming months, with your help if
you feel so.
The actual association creation may come later or in the same time.

Here are my conclusions on the future website so far :

- www.libre-graphics.org will be the domain (parked thanks to Jon Nordby),
and we will eventually use sub-domains like

- content is basically a portal :

   - News (planet for projects and gallery)
   - Projects (Presentations for Software and tools, Standards, Events,
   Teaching certification)
   - Peoples (Developers, Professional Artists, Teachers, Users)
   - Resources (Directory for Documentation, How-tos, Tutorials, Glossary,
   - About (LGA, website)

- Technically, it have to :

   - be CMS-driven
   - be Multilingual, and easily translatable
   - support scalability
   - be flexible
   - be modern
   - be multi-user
   - support RSS and Atom feeds in diffusion and aggregation

I've thought about Wordpress, Drupal (but it's weak on
Internationalization), and the Aïki framework (but I don't know it really)
... I'd like to have your opinion on this.

But, there is already the Create wiki, and existing international websites
too :
Alexandre Prokoudine's libregraphicsworld.org/

And tones of local website, like the french www.linuxgraphic.org
or, the brasilian

Cédric Gemy and Elisa de Castro Guerra is also looking to build a website
for a french-speaking libre graphic association (Afgral).

Aim is not to duplicate content (except aggregating the planet), but to
promote and found libre graphics tools and projects, giving life to the
Libre graphic association.

Comments are welcome !
Jon, If you agree, can you give me some admin access to

-- yagraph
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