[CREATE] Fwd: Re: [LGF-LGA] Ok, let's start with a website

Cyrille Berger cberger at cberger.net
Mon Aug 16 03:35:15 PDT 2010

On Monday 16 August 2010, Camille Bissuel wrote:
> to Cyrille Berger :
> *While lgw does not cover the LGA purpose, it matches the lga website. To
> be honest, from what I have understood, lga = lgw + create.*
> ---> In my view, lga > lgw + create, to another public (users) and other
> aims (demonstrate + explain +teach ...). LGW is excellent for news and
> Create is excellent for collaboration between projects, but there are
> others topics to be covered.
> Can I mess up the create wiki and change it's aim without starting a flame
> war ? If I can, I do agree with you that there is no need for another
> website.
I sure hope that you can discuss improvements to the create wiki without 
starting a flame war.

Cyrille Berger

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