[CREATE] consensus constitency persistence

Yuval Levy create07 at sfina.com
Sat Aug 21 19:33:41 PDT 2010

On August 21, 2010 12:49:11 pm ricardo lafuente wrote:
> On 08/19/2010 11:41 PM, Yuval Levy wrote:
> > I hope by "you" you mean all people/projects represented on this ML.  I
> > am reading/listening.
> I did mean you -- Yuval -- since you put forward a concrete motion to
> reach consensus. I think there's a tacit meaning in posting to mailing
> lists like this one that anyone's thoughts and comments are welcome.
> These exchanges are never simple dialogues.

If you have followed the discussion about the 2010 visuals you know that I was 
strongly against them.  For the same reason I now applaud Louis adoption of 
those same visuals for 2011 and I hope 2012 will be an evolution rather than 
the revolution we have seen every second year (i.e. every year when LGM was 
not managed by Louis).  Bravo Louis!

An intended, planned, managed process changing the visual appearance can be 
codified as part of an identity; or even as the centerpiece of it if you so 
desire.  If this is your identity, so be it.  This is not what I see now.  
What I see now is improvisation.

I'd like to raise awareness to the full cost of such an identity:  it's not 
just the dissipation of energy and the diversion from core issues.  It's also 
a reset of the recognition value and affects critical tasks.

No identity, corporate or otherwise, is set in stone.  The process of changing 
it is so costly that even the more selfish of leaderships will first make sure 
it can afford the disruption.  Not codifying the identity does not eliminate 
these cost.  It just hides them.

There is at least one good example of an orderly evolving identity in the 
FLOSS world: Ubuntu.  Learn from it!  Their visuals change every six month but 
the lineage is never broken.  It is carefully crafted evolution, not 
revolution.  The pace of visual change is adapted to the pace and dynamics of 
the project / organization.

So, now that I wasted some more time/energy (yours and mine) that could have 
been used to:
- fix a bug
- support a user
- write a tutorial
- translate a few strings
- just have fun with private creations
- testing the waters for a repeat of http://www.uwivi.com/ in 2011

You will excuse me, Ricardo, if I am not inclined to deconstruct your 
arguments one by one.  Let's just agree to disagree.  Good luck to you with 
your projects.

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