[CREATE] Blender presentations

Femke Snelting snelting at collectifs.net
Thu Feb 11 16:13:38 PST 2010

Hello Ton

>>> The Durian film project will have entered the final production weeks
>>> when LGM is... so we most certainly cannot do a premiere. Sneak peeks
>>> is well possible though. It would rock if we could have 2k HD
>>> projection there... I will try to get a 4k screen even (Belgium
>>> sponsor of film).

Sneak peeks, nice! I'll check what kind of projection facilities De 
Pianofabriek has available or otherwise we find a proper cinema space -- 
or is that too much for a sneak preview you think? Let me know!

>>> At least you can count on my availability to speak or present, and
>>> about half the durian team to attent and do demos, workshops or talks.
>>> I'll try to get David Revoy too, his painting classes are mythical
>>> already. Blender Foundation will cover travel and hotel expenses for
>>> all (unless you have good travel/hotel sponsoring budgets anyway)
>>> Next to the film we'll have a Blender 2.5 project to present, which
>>> should be in a very usable state by then.

Fantastic news. I'm gathering proposals/ideas on the wiki but if you 
want to add a proposal for your talk and presentation to this page: 
http://create.freedesktop.org/wiki/Conference_2010/Submit_Talk ... that 
would be great!

>>> How is organizing LGM going now... can i get some updates on space,
>>> sponsors, scheduling, etc?

We are working with the people in charge of De Pianofabriek to make sure 
spaces and facilities are fit for the way the event seems to develop in, 
and even started organising more concrete aspects of the event (from 
network to food + drinks). 

We're starting a Pledgie campaign next Monday February 15, aiming to 
raise 7.000 euros community support, plus equal shares of corporate and 
public funding. Jon, Nate, Stani and others are working on the corporate 
side; Constant has/is working on public funding. And we all need to get 
that community campaign off the ground next week!

The schedule is here:


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