[CREATE] SwatchBooker 0.5

Olivier BERTEN olivier.berten at gmail.com
Thu Jan 21 02:57:41 PST 2010

There's a mix of different reasons, the least not being my lack of 
knowledge of XML and programming skills...

I first went from <RGB r="1" g="1" b="1"> to <RGB values="1 1 1"> simply 
because it was easier to deal with different color models the same way 
(you were talking about laziness ;-) )
Then, as I wanted to add 6CLR (and more), it didn't work anymore since 
an xml element can't start with a number and I thought it didn't make 
sense to reinvent color tags as this was already a widely accepted 
standard. So I chose to simplify to <values model="RGB">1 1 1</values> 
which makes it also easier to parse and extendable to less usual color 

For the rest (metadata, swatch organization) wich aren't in the create 
draft, I made some choices but I'm already reconsidering most of them...


Cyrille Berger a écrit :
> On Thursday 21 January 2010, Olivier BERTEN wrote:
>> Well... I started 2 years ago with the CREATE format
>> <http://www.mail-archive.com/create@lists.freedesktop.org/msg00900.html>
>> but it didn't completely fit my needs. And since it hasn't been changed
>> nor did it leave his "draft" status since then, I slowly got to have my
>> own format.
>> By the way, as you can see from the version number, it's a very early
>> version that's certainly going to change before version 1.0 and it also
>> might get closer to CREATE format once it gets his "standard" status ;-)
> Well, the point of my question was to try to work on getting the create format 
> have the features that are needed by people to start using it. So far, 
> koffice/krita has a partial implementation of it (colors deserialization), 
> mostly because I am lazy :/ So I would be interested to know why there are not 
> much more implementations, lake of time ? lake of awarness ? missing features 
> ? lazyness ? deep flaw in the spec ?

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