[CREATE] Free as in Speech, and Vietnam?

Tor Lillqvist tml at iki.fi
Wed Jun 9 22:31:36 PDT 2010

> Does Vietnam government actually have a track record for torturing in the past years?

At least the Human Rights Watch report for Vietnam for last year says
"Police torture is prevalent, particularly during interrogation of
political and religious prisoners, who are typically held
incommunicado prior to trial and denied family visits and access to

And no, of course my concern is not that the government or police
would torture or imprison tourists of conference visitors, like
participants in a LGM, that bring in cash to the country. My concern
is just that it could feel a bit weird to be promoting Free "as in
Speech" Software in a country where there isn't much of that free
speech. Sure, one can say that one shouldn't puninsh the people
because they have an evil government, and of course there is truth in
that, too.

But anyway, if you think I have a very "black and white" vision of the
world, that is not true at all. On the contrary, I am known to easily
change my mind in various matters, even too easily... and I am not
absolutely opposed to having a LGM in Vietnam. I just wanted to bring
up the human rights aspect.


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