[CREATE] [Fwd: Animation of a gradient]

Thorsten Wilms t_w_ at freenet.de
Mon Nov 8 09:38:59 PST 2010

On Mon, 2010-11-08 at 18:13 +0100, Carlos López González wrote:

> In Synfig we are considering to rewrite the current behavior of
> gradients animation. 

> It seems (because I haven't deep look the code yet) that stops never
> are moved and instead 
> of move the the stops the when the gradient is interpolated between
> two frames it just add as 
> many stops needs to match the previous and next frames where the
> changes are made. So the 
> extra added stop points match the color of the two extreme gradients
> at that position.
> So I'm considering modify the gradient interpretation when animated to
> allow move stop points 
> instead of create new static stop points and change its color.

I admit I never animated a gradient so far. But I would expect in cases
where the number of stops doesn't match, simply doing a fade between the
2 gradients would be the best bet.

I wonder if stops having more or less "influence" on the gradient would
make sense.

Otherwise I would expect being able to animate every channel of every
stop separately. Plus timed adding/deleting stops (expressed as lifspan
of a stop).

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

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