[CREATE] Art & Montréal (was Re: LGM 2011 - Montreal - May 10-11-12-13)

Alexandre Prokoudine alexandre.prokoudine at gmail.com
Tue Sep 7 17:36:40 PDT 2010

On 9/8/10, Schrijver wrote:

> As a connection point, Libre graphics does not only have a relation to the
> traditional graphic processes but also I think to developments like
> generative design and software art. You can see this in projects like
> Shoebot and Nodebox but for example also the ‘processing’ language
> http://processing.org/  —that’s an important software tool in this respect
> and its a free and open source project. Actually maybe we could invite
> someone from their team?

That should be fairly easy: FLOSS Manuals is right now having book
sprint on Processing, and Elisa is there :)

Alexandre Prokoudine

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