[CREATE] Art & Montréal (was Re: LGM 2011 - Montreal - May 10-11-12-13)

ricardo lafuente bollecs at sollec.org
Thu Sep 9 02:58:10 PDT 2010

On 09/07/2010 11:41 PM, Schrijver wrote:
> As a connection point, Libre graphics does not only have a relation to the traditional graphic processes but also I think to developments like generative design and software art. You can see this in projects like Shoebot and Nodebox but for example also the ‘processing’ language http://processing.org/  —that’s an important software tool in this respect and its a free and open source project. Actually maybe we could invite someone from their team?
> This generative approach is gaining some steam,
> For example,
> http://www.generative-gestaltung.de/
> This book was the top selling book on the German Amazon,
> there will be an English version too.
> And a new text-book on software in art and design was just released by Princeton Architectural Press which is meant for art education:
> http://formandcode.com/

I strongly back this suggestion.

Processing is a tool that has been gaining a *lot* of ground inside of 
art circles, as a means to introduce coding to artists and designers, 
and it's been around for quite a while. My interest in coding came about 
the day a forward-thinking teacher taught the basics of Processing to 
our design class, around 6 years ago.

It also has a sizable community which, in my view, is somewhat 
disconnected from the free software ecosystem as a whole. You often see 
installations and projects running Processing inside a proprietary 
software stack -- which is a good thing, seeing the proprietary crowd 
adopting a FLOSS tool. This also happens in the audio scene with 
software like Pure Data or SuperCollider, which are widely used by 
'traditional' professionals not because they're FLOSS, but because 
they're really good tools.

So this is a very good opportunity to try and tie those ends together, 
making bridges to bring Processing closer to the Libre Graphics 
community, as well as the other way around -- i've met quite a lot of 
Libre Graphics people who sadly had never heard of it.

I believe it's worth making an approach to the Processing team to see if 
they would be present at the LGM; it's IMO one of the next logical steps 
to strengthen the Libre Graphics community.

And there are a few somewhat-related projects that might warrant a 
closer look, and which might be a great fit to the Libre Graphics posse:
- OpenFrameworks : http://openframeworks.cc/
- Love : http://love2d.org/
- PyGame : http://pygame.org (i remember Joao S.O. Bueno doing beautiful 
things with this at LGM 2010)
- Pure Data : http://puredata.info


> Op 7 sep 2010, om 21:12 heeft Louis Desjardins het volgende geschreven:
>> Hi all !
>> The 6th edition of the Libre Graphics Meeting will take place in Montreal on May 10-13, 2011.
>> More to come soon. Please stay tuned!
>> Cheers!
>> Louis _______________________________________________
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