[CREATE] fosdem 2k11 - A film about FOSDEM

jon at rejon.org jon at rejon.org
Thu Feb 10 17:08:08 PST 2011

On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 1:32 AM, Jakub Szypulka <cubibubi at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I hope this won't be regarded as spam, but for the 15 people or so who
> went there, and anybody else who might be interested, I have just
> finished editing 'fosdem 2k11', a film about this years conference,
> done in the style of 'Reclaim your tools', the film about LGM'10.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPh0lhL_Nx8
> Critique and comments explicitely welcome ;)

Totally great film! You keep growing. So nice to see how you humanize
it and provide great music. Where is your music at? I like everything
but wish the typography at the end could be firmed up a
bit...regardless, its still quite amazing!

I wish had taken you up on that offer to do one of these on the open
web! Would be great to hear a talk about how you make your films with
free software at LGM 2011 :)



Jon Phillips
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