[CREATE] Fw: Please Read! --> [Approved] 7 annual Libre Graphics Meeting
Jakub Jankiewicz
jcubic at onet.pl
Wed Feb 15 08:03:07 PST 2012
I submit LGM to the list of conferences on interaction-design.org, you
should put link and a logo on LGM site.
Keep CC so they will know your response.
Begin forwarded message:
Date: 15 Feb 2012 14:58:44 -0000
From: Mads Soegaard - Interaction-Design.org
<mads at interaction-design.org> To: jcubic at onet.pl
Subject: Please Read! --> [Approved] 7 annual Libre Graphics Meeting
Dear Jakub Jankiewicz,
Congratulations! The Editorial Board has found your conference highly
interesting and approved it. We normally reject 80% of submissions.
----------- Is this service free? -----------
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--- Option 1 ---
Get the listing for *free* by adding a link to us. It's like writing a
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Here is how other major conferences have done:
- http://www.icidconference.com/ - Front page of Intl.Conf.on IxD
- http://www.ht2011.org/ - Front page of the ACM Hypertext Conference
- http://ecce2011.eace.net/ - Front page of the European Conference on
Cognitive Ergonomics
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--- Option 2 ---
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--- Option 3 ---
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Best regards from Denmark,
Mads Soegaard, Editor-in-Chief
Please spend 7 seconds helping our Open Content efforts: Share a link
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Address: Chr. Molbechs Vej 4, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Mobile : +45 2629 5505
Web :
Jakub Jankiewicz
twitter: @jcubic
www: http://jcubic.pl
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