[CREATE] Fw: Please Read! --> [Approved] 7 annual Libre Graphics Meeting

ale rimoldi ale.comp_06 at xox.ch
Wed Feb 15 23:49:19 PST 2012

hi jakub,

thanks for submitting the event!

i've added a link on the sponsors page.

@mads soegaard: the deadline for talks submissions is the 1st march.
could you please add it to the entry? (there is no deadline for

best regards

> I submit LGM to the list of conferences on interaction-design.org, you
> should put link and a logo on LGM site.
> Keep CC so they will know your response.
> Begin forwarded message:
> Date: 15 Feb 2012 14:58:44 -0000
> From: Mads Soegaard - Interaction-Design.org
> <mads at interaction-design.org> To: jcubic at onet.pl
> Subject: Please Read! --> [Approved]  7 annual Libre Graphics Meeting
> Dear Jakub Jankiewicz,
> Congratulations! The Editorial Board has found your conference highly
> interesting and approved it. We normally reject 80% of submissions.
> ----------- Is this service free? -----------
> That's up to you! You have 3 options:
> --- Option 1 ---
> Get the listing for *free* by adding a link to us. It's like writing a
> research paper: If you use someone's work, you cite them :-)
> Here is how other major conferences have done: 
> - http://www.icidconference.com/ - Front page of Intl.Conf.on IxD 
> - http://www.ht2011.org/ - Front page of the ACM Hypertext Conference
> - http://ecce2011.eace.net/ - Front page of the European Conference on
> Cognitive Ergonomics
> - Other conferences like HCI International, EuroITV, and many more
> list us as 'Sponsor' or 'Media Partner'
> Here is our logo:
> http://www.interaction-design.org/about/logo.html
> --- Option 2 --- 
> Donate 950 USD to support our Open Access initiatives
> --- Option 3 ---
> Delete the listing
> ------------- What you get in return -------------
> 1. Simply put, we will give you more conference attendees and
> participation. Details:
> 2. Your event will be available to our 97,433 monthly visitors (press
> shift-reload in your browser):
> http://www.interaction-design.org/calendar/
> 3. Your event will be added:
> - directly to the personal calendars of our 4257 iCalendar subscribers
> who are regular conference goers
> - to the Calendar RSS Feed with 2134 subscribers
> See
> http://www.interaction-design.org/calendar/import_our_calendar.html
> 4. Your event will appear on multiple sites: Our calendar is currently
> the most widely used conference calendar in the areas of User
> Experience, Interaction Design, Human-Computer Interaction, Usability,
> and the like. Its calendar data is used on many sites, e.g. British
> Computer Society, through our ICAL/ICS/RSS interfaces. 
> 5. A couple of weeks before your event, it will be listed on all
> 131,107 pages on our site, giving it a further massive exposure.
> Example (see the right column):
> http://interaction-design.org/encyclopedia/user_experience_and_experience_design.html#calendarPreview 
> 6. Your conference will get a significantly higher position in Google,
> Yahoo, and Bing because of our high Pagerank (we're 10 years old and
> 16,327 websites link to us). This will increase the traffic to your
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> 7. Your conference will appear on the world map (after we've found the
> GPS location of "Vienna, Austria"):
> http://www.interaction-design.org/calendar/map.html
> 8. Your conference will appear in the print-out version on
> http://www.interaction-design.org/calendar/printerfriendly.html
> 9. If you have added deadlines to your conference, they will now
> appear on
> http://www.interaction-design.org/calendar/approaching_deadlines.html
> 10. You can change/update deadlines at all times at:
> http://www.interaction-design.org/calendar/7_annual_libre_graphics_meeting.html
> When you update deadlines they will be automatically updated in the
> calendars of our ICAL subscribers and RSS subscribers. Our subscribers
> rely on you to keep deadlines up to date!
> 11. Based on your conference data, we have generated a Javascript that
> will let your visitors:
> - add your conference to their private calendar in only one click
> - announce your conference through social media like Facebook and
> Twitter You can install it in 30 seconds. Instructions:
> http://www.interaction-design.org/show_calendar_on_your_website.html?event=1122

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