[CREATE] Google event microdata

ale.comp_06 at xox.ch ale.comp_06 at xox.ch
Thu Feb 23 00:02:29 PST 2012

hi jakub

> I just read about "Event" microdata that google support
> http://support.google.com/webmasters/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=164506
> If libre graphics meeting will have these in html it will show in
> search result so LGM page will be more visible in search result.
> TIP: if you want faster indexing in google you need to create sitemap,
> and submit it to google, if you haven't already.

i've added a sitemap.xml.

if you you give me a hint of what you would like to put in the event
tags, i'll be glad to add them...

as far as i understood them, they are mostly thought for pages which
also have an event in there and not pages of an event... but, who
knows?, they could be useful for us, too.


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