[CREATE] Status of libora?
Guillermo Espertino (Gez)
gespertino at gmail.com
Fri Oct 12 08:07:30 PDT 2012
El 12/10/12 00:28, Jehan Pagès escribió:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 12:06 AM, Danni Coy<danni.coy at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am looking at getting open raster support into Blender myself. Ultimately
>> I would like to get a better texture workflow between Blender and
>> Mypaint/Krita - photoshop would be nice too I might even be able to use the
>> work license of photoshop but as somebody else said - Windows programming.
> Interesting. But anyway I think you are not looking for the same kind
> of support as I do. You want to import ora as single raster images
> (textures). I want to have layer support. Like when you import PSD
> files into after-effects, you have 1 layer per video channel, and you
> can align them in order to make an animation.
Hi Jehan,
I designed an importer for multilayer XCF files into blender scenes with
that in mind. I missed the convenience of importing multilayer PSDs in
After Effects and I needed that to start using only Blender for my job.
I asked a friend to write the script and using xcftools and GIMP
script-fu, Alejandro Chocano Vazquez wrote the first script for Blender 2.4x
Some time later we started to work on a movie using Blender 2.5 and we
needed that script ported. We commissioned that job to Daniel Salazar
(ZanQdo), who re-wrote the script from scratch, adding new features and
getting rid of the script-fu part (the new script is only python and it
only requires xcftools). Among the new features of this script there is
automatic compositing tree creation (renderlayers from gimp layers,
re-creation of the layer stack in the compositor) and support for XJT files.
Since ZanQdo has a good reputation among Blender coders and his work in
this script was so good, the script was included in the default
installation of Blender.
The script is very good, but it can use some improvements. Support for
ORA would be great, and judging by how the script processes the XCF
files, I think it wouldn't be a problem to add ORAs.
I already approached ZanQdo asking him to add cycles support (i.e.
creating cycles shaders for the textured planes created by the script,
like the "images to planes" script does). I'll ask him about ORA support.
He doesn't work for free, so I have to ask: Are you willing to use some
money for this feature?
Kind regards,
p.s.: Notice that this script creates planes with each layer and an
aligned camera. It doesn't import the layers to Blender's VSE.
I don't think it's a good idea to do that anyway. Blender's Video Editor
isn't designed for that, but just putting rendered sequences together.
It has very limited features regarding animation, but the rest of
Blender has pretty much everything you'd use in After Effects (animation
and compositing).
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