[CREATE] Thank you for your feedback on LGM2013: Future Tools!

Femke Snelting snelting at collectifs.net
Sat May 11 01:47:22 PDT 2013

Feedback on LGM2013: Future Tools

The feedback-form was filled in by 37 participants which is a little less than 10% of total estimated participants in the Madrid edition. The link to the Feedback-form was distributed on the CREATE mailinglist and e-mailed to everyone that had a presentation or workshop on the programme.

Most respondents refer to themselves as having an occupation linked to art and/or design; one third identifies as programmer or developer and others list occupations such as translator or coordinator. For about half of them this was probably a first experience with LGM.

Most respondents came to LGM2013 for multiple reasons, but almost all selected 'meeting developers/artists for a chat and a perspective' (31), followed by 'listening to particular talks' and 'finding out about new Libre Graphics developments' (both 21 times), and 'attending workshops on specific free software' (16). Least relevant is apparently 'getting a general idea about free software and culture' (7).

Attached is an overview of the most important remarks. Links to blogposts and acomplishments have been gathered in the illustrated report on LGM2013 that will hopefully be finished next week. At the end of the document you find all reponses organised according to subject (some comments were edited for legibility or redistributed according to the issues mentioned).

Thank you!

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