[CREATE] Contact page on LGM website

Tobias Ellinghaus houz at gmx.de
Thu Jan 16 11:31:39 PST 2014

Am Donnerstag, 16. Januar 2014, 11:20:37 schrieb Louis Desjardins:
> Hi,



> Contact page
> Name and role of each organiser followed by his/her email address and
> whatever other communication info he/she feels necessary or useful (phone,
> cell, snail mail, whatever)
> Link to mailing list for more general or public communications
> (libre-graphics-meeting ML and Create)

Just keep in mind, that most people out there have not the slightest idea what 
a mailing list is or how to use it. All they want is an address they can write 
to and get an authoritative answer. Even if the list was open for every non-
subscribed person to send to (no idea if that is the case) that would still be 
a bad thing to do since I bet that most of the people would CC all the 
discussions about the mail to the sender. Some even do it for people that are 
on the list.

So for communication from the outside towards "The LGM Organizers" there 
should be a single address that just works. What happens behind the scenes is 
a totally different topic. And the address put on a contact page should surely 
not be @lists.freedesktop.org. That doesn't look trustworthy to outsiders.

Just saying, I am in no team so that contact page doesn't affect me.

> A nice day to all!
> Louis


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