[CREATE] Code of Conduct

John Haltiwanger john.haltiwanger at gmail.com
Mon Jan 20 04:27:31 PST 2014

On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 11:29 AM, "Christoph Schäfer" <
christoph-schaefer at gmx.de> wrote:

> Hi Simon,
> > Hi Christoph.
> >
> > "Christoph Schäfer" (christoph-schaefer at gmx.de) wrote:
> > > Second: You don't actually expect a rational discussion on the issues
> > > you raised, do you?
> >
> > Correct me if I'm wrong, but you don't either, right?
> Wrong. I asked very simple questions.
> >
> > Your (I think) first mail on that topic was very confrontational and the
> > tone of your demands for explantations did seem to indicate to me that
> > you're not interested in the answers, but in non-answers, so that you
> > later can shoot down the proposal.
> Wrong again. I was *very* intersted in substantial answers.
> >
> > Seems you got your non-answers:
> >
> > > I refuse [...] Psychoanalysis or Creationism [...] futile, [...]
> > > reinforce their dogmas.
> > >
> > > fundamentalist [...] prejudices, [...] false assumptions, [...]
> > > dogmas [...] removing "Libre" [...] "Righteous" (RGM), [...] nothing of
> > > the original "Libre" will be left.
> >
> > Right. Because installing firealarms will only attract arsonists and
> > basically make the house inhabitable.
> Right. Because male white human beings are "priviledged" and also monsters
> that need to be kept at bay.

Where does this fall apart for you? Are you having trouble understanding
that we live in a patriarchal world where "first world" countries are those
founded and populated by white people?

No privilege comes as a result, eh?

Except that in this very thread you are demanding that you be given the
privilege to define what/how/when safety should be defined. You are
demanding the privilege that you are in the only defensible position, even
as thousands of discussions have been flowing into libre circles about this
over the last few years.

You are demanding the right to ignore the viewpoints of those who come with
less privilege and thus higher stakes (even if those viewpoints are raised
by their allies who seemingly have the same privilege of you).

You don't even get it after all that, though, do you?

Well how about this:

You are angry because you see this discussion of privilege as if it were
coming to take something from you, something which you deserve and should
be untouchable. That 'something' is a direct result of your privilege right
there that you are obsessed with ignoring. The people who say you are
privileged can't be right, because you have the right to say so! Can you at
last see how ridiculous a position that is?

Don't blame the world (or libre communities who are trying to finally rid
themselves of the sexism and racism of an unfortunately huge number of
hackers out there)  for deciding to listen to other viewpoints and to start
doing something about the
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