[CREATE] Last round of comments: LGM Code of Conduct

Louis Desjardins louis.desjardins at gmail.com
Wed May 28 04:32:54 PDT 2014

2014-05-27 18:16 GMT-04:00 Femke Snelting <snelting at collectifs.net>:

>     > - I agree that the reference to examples was awkwardly phrased and
>>> simple is better:
>>>     > "Some examples: http://geekfeminism.wikia.com/
>>> wiki/Timeline_of_incidents"

> OK, so we seem to agree on the overall text but many would like the link
> to the external page at geekfeminism wiki replaced by a LGM-editable list
> of references.
> Also, this page would be more useful if it referred to a wider spectrum of
> concrete harassment-cases than to gender-related incidents only.
> Here's a start: http://piratepad.net/lgm-coc-examples
> Your help/comments are much appreciated; let's publish the CoC this
> weekend latest?


First, I agree with the text of the CoC and if we’d vote today, I am on the
"yes" side.

Second, I read as Femke does that we seem to agree on where to put our CoC
and the relevant infos that surrounds it and help better explain what it
is: our LGM domain.

Third, we’re going to need a "how-to" sub-section that we need to fill over
time and modify, expand, edit, enhance, as situations occur. About that
particular issue, it might be interesting to point out that one of the big
differences between LGM and large conferences is our venue is generally a
university so we can also rely on the experience of our hosts who have
dedicated staff to handle harassment situations while large conference need
to rent space in congress rooms and hotels, a totally diverse environment
where each group is rather on its own and cannot expect help from their
host at solving anything else than room issues.

Fourth, we have a list of resourses by the mean of a list of links. This is
what I discuss below. By no mean what I write here is meant to slow down
the process of getting our CoC a reality. I am only trying to point out
some ideas about the resources we plan to share, and why they are important.

- More than just a list of links, I envision this as a resource page to
help better understand what the issues are and how to handle them.

- I come to this from the "let’s be pratical" door.

- I am concerned by the fact that multipliying a
what-cannot-be-else-than-an-endless-list of various situations that will
end-up being unreadable at some point might not be what I think we need

- When we put a link on our page, I suggest that it has a bit of
surrounding infos telling why it is there and what you will find and how it
helps. This can take the form of a sentence or two. A few lines to read
before you click, to help you decide if you want to click and read more of
a particular subject, or not.

- Extracting some infos out of a few well-written and to-the-point pages
may be far more interesting to readers than again just a list of links. For
instance, a somewhat neutral description (encyclopedic) of what harassment
and bullying is and in what scope — physical, psychological, sexual, etc.
can have a positive effect at making people aware of such situations.
Describing at length the most horrifying things that can happen is an
editorial choice and it is not neutral.

- I pulled out a few links that I believe contain the information we need —
as to not reinvent the wheel... some people have been there before us. The
link from Polytechnique that has suffered from a major incident (1989)
still show information in a neutral manner but is well explained and I
think we could pull that info off the link and use it, unless there are
some legal aspect I am not aware of at using the same wording to describe
what harassment is and what form it can take. The scope of harassement is
pretty wide and it can go from an image in a presentation creating a
discomfort or an embarrassing situation in the audience to a mass-killing
horror. I believe we absolutely need to be aware of that. I am not sure we
need all the details to understand what is acceptable and what is not. A
few examples will do the job and for the rest we can let the people decide
what is enough for them.

- I think we have a responsibility of keeping things calm and debates
serene. This I think must also appear in the resources we put online.


> thanks again,
> Femke
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