[CREATE] ZeMarmot, Libre Animation film made with Free Software

Jehan Pagès jehan.marmottard at gmail.com
Tue Jun 2 11:09:30 PDT 2015

Hi all,

I just wanted to present our last project of a 2D animation film
(digital cell animation) drawn fully with GIMP, images edited with
Blender, and sound in Ardour in case you haven't heard of it yet (we
presented it at Libre Graphics Meeting, and various other events).
Moreover the movie will be released as Creative Commons BY-SA (so that's
an Open Movie!) and we work with a collective of musicians, AMMD, who
also fully uses Free Software and releases all their music in Free Art
license (ammd.net).
And we will use the time to also improve GIMP and other Free Software
(Blender for editing, Ardour for sound…). You may know I am one of the
devs on GIMP.

You may have seen already some artworks of our director, Aryeom. For
instance she draws the "Wilber & Co." comic strip in GIMP Magazine,
she also drew the current logo of the "GIMP users" group on Facebook,

So let's go straight to the point. We are currently crowdfunding the
project, and you can read more about it there:

You will see a 1-min teaser on the funding page. And before anyone asks
(because someone did at our Libre Graphics Meeting's talk), yes this
is 100% GIMP-drawn, from scratch, no hand-painting scan, nor any other
drawing software. For anyone who says GIMP can't be used for drawing,
just link them to the obvious truth. :-)

Anyway, I hope you like it, maybe will contribute if you can afford
it, and also share with friends, family and others. Time is running
out for funding the project! :-)
Thanks and bye!


P.S.: you may have seen a nearly similar email on other mailing lists
(like GIMP ml), sorry for this. I am kind of in marketing mode right
now, with only 58% funded and 9 days left.

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