[CREATE] New features in Scribus 1.5.1svn -- feedback, testing and bug reports required

"Christoph Schäfer" christoph-schaefer at gmx.de
Sun Jun 14 23:42:52 PDT 2015

Hi all,

Not long ago, we released Scribus 1.5.0, and the development of 1.5.1, which will bring us closer to the next stable version 1.6.0, is underway.

We have recently added some amazing new features that need feedback and testing from those who are willing to build 1.5.1svn (and a new dependency) from source and to test, namely:

1) Scribus 1.5.1svn comes with a new and modern icon set. It's not 100% complete yet, and you need to turn it on in the Preferences (it will become the default set once it's complete).

2) Scribus can now handle the CIELAB colour space and comes with a new CIELAB colour map for picking colours.

3) Scribus can now import/use Swatchbooker palette files (SBZ), which, together with CIELAB support, means that you can take full advantage of the Open Colour Systems Collection (http://lists.scribus.net/pipermail/scribus/2015-May/051770.html).

4) Scribus can now import/use Adobe Swatch Exchange files (ASE).

5) Thanks to the release of libfreehand 0.1.1 by the Document Liberation Project, Scribus can now import Freehand files (FH*) to the extent libfreehand allows. To build libfreehand 0.1.1 on Linux, just extract a source archive available from http://dev-www.libreoffice.org/src/libfreehand, cd into the source directory, run ./configure, make, and (as root) make install, and finally ldconfig, also as root. After that, CMake will detect libfreehand automatically (make sure to delete CMakeCache.txt in the ./Scribus source directory before running your cmake command). Initial tests have shown that it's already working pretty well.

The Scribus Team (and I'm sure Document Liberation as well) would be grateful for feedback and bug reports.



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