[CREATE] Open WG on Complex Text Layout in Scribus

Camille Bissuel camille at nylnook.com
Mon May 18 08:16:06 PDT 2015

Hi Andreas,

and first of all, bravo ! It's a very important goal !

I will not be able to help on code side... but as a Scribus user and
teacher, my first question is : why not release Scribus in version 1.6
before to start such a big and complex integration project ?
I'm afraid users will have to wait 3 more years for a Scribus stable
release if we wait for this Harfbuzz integration... Not this is not useful
and needed, but as we already discussed at Madrid (LGM2013 !) I'd
personally hope for a more "release early/release often" politic in Scribus
development. Maybe moving to git as ale advocated is another way.

Thanks for you great work anyways ;)

2015-05-18 17:06 GMT+02:00 Andreas Vox <avox at arcor.de>:

> Hi there!
> I‘d like to invite anyone interested to join a working group on complex
> text
> layout in Scribus.
> There have been several attempts to integrate Harfbuzz into Scribus in
> order
> to improve text layout and enable non-Latin languages:
> ScribusNLS by myself, ScribusOIF by Pierre Marchand, Indic Scribus by anil,
> ScribuRTL by moceap, and probably others. None of those was integrated with
> the main development branch since they broke other stuff in Scribus (or
> just
> were not completed).
> My project for the next year or so is to finally integrate Harfbuzz in
> Scribus and provide some advanced layout options based on that. I created a
> git repository https://github.com/andreas-vox/ScribusCTL with soon-to-be
>  Scribus 1.5.1svn trunk and am now looking for collaborators (especially
> authors of previous attempts). The initial roadmap looks like this:
> 1. Make PDF production (and PS production and svg-export) glyph based
> instead of character based
> 2. Separate StoryText from Layout
> 3. Integrate Harfbuzz (OpenType library)
> 4. Implement a box-oriented layout mechanism, i.e. store the layout as a
> hierarchy of boxes
> 5. Integrate Fribidi (RTL library)
> I plan to re-integrate the CTL branch with 1.5.1svn after each of these
> milestones. Since 1.-2. need intimate knowledge of Scribus I’m prepared to
> do most of the work myself, but feel free to ask questions, make
> suggestions
> or send pull requests! The wiki is open.
> Best regards,
> /Andreas
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