dbus-send error

Owen Fraser-Green owen at discobabe.net
Tue Mar 30 05:34:35 PST 2004


The example in the manual is just that, an example. The --dest flag
specifies a destination service i.e. the name of the service where some
program somewhere on your system bus is listening. The error message you
got indicates that there is no running service named

The following example should work without an error message:

dbus-send --type=method_call --print-reply --dest='org.freedesktop.DBus'
/org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus.ServiceExists

It calls the ServiceExists method on the D-BUS dæmon's own service (as
described in the D-BUS specification). The result returned should also
confirm that org.freedesktop.ExampleService does not exist.


On Tue, 2004-03-30 at 14:47, Anthony Metcalf wrote:
> I ran a slightly altered version of the command in the dbus-send man
> page, shown below. The error message is also shown. What am I doing
> wrong, I would like t make sure dbus is working.
> root at anferny nevyn # dbus-send --system --print-reply /
> --dest='org.freedesktop.ExampleService' /
> /org/freedesktop/sample/object/name /
> org.freedekstop.ExampleInterface.ExampleMethod int32:47 string:'hello /
> world' double:65.32 
> Error: Service "org.freedesktop.ExampleService" does not exist
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