about signals

Olivier Andrieu oliv__a at users.sourceforge.net
Thu May 27 16:33:35 PDT 2004

 Havoc Pennington <hp at redhat.com> [Thu, 27 May 2004 16:31:00 -0400]:
 > Hi,
 > I think maybe this is more evidence that we need to get the
 > GLib/Qt/Python bindings done; Seth and Dan were just bitching to me
 > about the raw C API, which is indeed a low-level thing designed to
 > implement bindings and not much else.

I implemented the ownership tracking but it depends on other patches
not in yet (the GetServiceOwner bus driver method). 

 > Maybe this answers one of the questions in the TODO, which is whether
 > dbus/dbus.h should be included when you include the glib bindings - I
 > think the answer is no, we should do a full opaque wrapper that bumps
 > the API to the higher object-based level.

There's a still a DBusPendingCall appearing somewhere, it would need
to be wrapped.


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