Punting the convenience functions TODO item?

John (J5) Palmieri johnp at redhat.com
Tue Jun 7 14:07:02 PDT 2005

-  The convenience functions in dbus-bus.h should perhaps have
   the signatures that they would have if they were autogenerated
   stubs. e.g. the acquire service function. We should also evaluate 
   which of these functions to include, in light of the fact that 
   GLib/Qt native stubs will probably also exist.

There aren't that many convenience functions in there and we can just
encourage the use of the bindings when they are ready (and also have the
bindings talk to DBus directly instead of implementing these).  There is
little value in changing the API here and will piss some people off if
we did.  I would say just wean people off slowly with the bindings.

John (J5) Palmieri
Associate Software Engineer
Desktop Group
Red Hat, Inc.
Blog: http://martianrock.com

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