Introspect data from Python missing return parameters

Tako Schotanus quintesse at
Fri Oct 7 10:45:07 PDT 2005

John (J5) Palmieri wrote:

>On Fri, 2005-10-07 at 12:12 +0200, Tako Schotanus wrote:
>>I also think it would be worthwhile to stimulate people to make their 
>>introspection data as complete and correct as possible otherwise lazy 
>>programmers will just leave it out and we would lose a host of 
>>interesting possibilities with respect to auto-generated apis, discovery 
>>tools and who knows what. (Personally I'd make introspection data 
>>mandatory ;-)
>These are the same arguments typed and weakly typed proponents had had
>for ages.  My first goal is to make D-Bus a good fit for Python not
>Python a good fit for D-Bus.
Ah no, not trying to force typing on a weakly typed language, just 
saying that it would be nice if introspection was forced to be as 
"up-to-date" and complete as possible in the _language implementing the 
service_ , nothing more. So be all means have python-based services 
return v. But if there are (ever) too many services that just have 
incomplete or worse wrong introspection information a lot of potential 
for the uses of introspection could be lost. That's the only point I'm 
trying to make I think.


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