Reply half-received ?

Havoc Pennington hp at
Wed Oct 26 07:11:55 PDT 2005

On Wed, 2005-10-26 at 00:40 -0500, yrc wrote:
> unknown message received: ServiceAcquired

Is this an old version of dbus? Should be NameAcquired instead.

In older versions plain "v_STRING" was correct, not "&v_STRING"

> unknown message received: Disconnected

Disconnect happens if a message is invalid for some reason. If you turn
on DBUS_VERBOSE=1 then you can probably diagnose why it was invalid.
Possible reasons are missing mandatory fields or invalid encoding in
strings, for example.

Recent versions are more likely to print warnings about invalid things
on the side that's trying to send the invalid message, because we added
more checks.


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