Jamboree & python

Jakub Piotr Cłapa jpc at pld-linux.org
Thu Feb 16 03:47:28 PST 2006

Marcin wrote:
>> This is straying from the topic of the dbus list ;), but download
>> jamboree's CVS from cvs.gnome.org, change the configure check to look
>> for a DBUS version that's not quite so ancient, and then see if you can
>> get it to compile. Then in the end you can file a bug against it in
>> Gnome bugzilla, and poke me to look at it. That's it ;)
>> Good luck,
> Hi,
>  It's me, agine:). Could you explain me it simply? What should I do, 
> download older version of Jamboree or older version of dbus and then 
> install it? Please, try to use simple words, I don't know english very 
> well.

I'll try to explain it in Polish. ;]

[Polish part]
Sciagnij Jamboree z Gnome'owego CVSu (cvs.gnome.org), popraw 
configure.in, zeby zaczal szukac nowej wersji DBusa i sprobuj 
skompilowac. Na koniec dopisz blad na Bugzilli, to moze cos ktos z tym 

PS [przyp. tlum]. No chyba, ze czujesz sie na silach (albo jesli nie, to 
przynajmniej masz sporo wolnego czasu), to mozesz sprobowac samemu 
poprawic. :-)
[/Polish part]

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