Hal spec and PropertyModifed

Daniel P. Berrange dan at berrange.com
Fri Jan 6 10:14:08 PST 2006

On Fri, Jan 06, 2006 at 10:32:53AM -0500, David Zeuthen wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-01-03 at 14:38 +0000, Matthew Johnson wrote:
> > void Condition(string condition, ...)
> > 
> > If ... is meant to be multiple arguments and not a variant, is this
> > supported at all? 
> This has changed, the arguments are now fixed - the idea about multiple
> arguments was a mistake as I didn't think about introspection when I
> wrote the spec more than two years ago.

As it stands there is nothing in the DBus specification which forbids
use of variadic arguments for method calls / signals. After all the
message iterator APIs don't care about the contract of a call/signal.
In the introspection data format, however, there is no way to express
the signature of a variadic function. We should either explicitly 
forbid variadic functions (even though we can't enforce it in the low
level C libs), or extend the signature format in introspection to 
provide some way of designating a variadic parameter list. 

On a similar theme most bindings supporting introspection assume there 
is only a single entry defined per (name, interface) tuple, although 
again there is nothing in the spec to say the introspection data has
this restriction. We should probably be explicit on this unique 
constraint, since there are languages like C where polymorphism on
method names is not possible.

|=-            GPG key: http://www.berrange.com/~dan/gpgkey.txt       -=|
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|=-   berrange at redhat.com  -  Daniel Berrange  -  dan at berrange.com    -=|
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