dbus-glib - removing the generated bus method wrappers

Matthew Johnson dbus at matthew.ath.cx
Wed Jul 26 07:50:29 PDT 2006

On Wed, 26 Jul 2006, Havoc Pennington wrote:

> Even if we say OK, the docs are in the introspection data xml (which does 
> still raise the issue of how it gets there if not hand-writing said xml), the 
> problem I brought up remains though - what format are the docs in? Are we 
> inventing our own format? Is it "plain text"? How does one correctly display 
> these docs?

I would recommend plain text or, if people feel this is inappropriate,
XML. In the latter case rather than <annotation type='foo'
value='string'/> it would be <doc>...</doc>, and the contents could be
more structured. In that case options are either our own (simple) markup
or HTML.


Matthew Johnson

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