Dbus doesn't answer on Hello, manual connection

Kristoffer Lundén kristoffer.lunden at gmail.com
Sun Mar 4 05:59:59 PST 2007


I'm connecting manually to the session bus on my machine (Ubuntu 10,
abstract unix socket), using Ruby. Ruby doesn't have working bindings,
and I have a small hope that this could turn into a native binding at
some point, but for now it's just a bunch of mostly hardcoded stuff to
learn how it works.

I've gotten EXTERNAL authentication to work, and I get an OK and a
guid, then I send a BEGIN and then I try to send a 'Hello'. But after
that, the bus just falls silent, not sending anything at all back. The
socket is open and all, but nothing comes back, not even an error.

First, since the spec doesn't really spell it out, am I correct in the
assumption that after sending a message (method call, like Hello), I
should be getting an answer back over the socket?

Second, here's what I'm sending, slightly formatted with newlines for
clarity here. I've been trying lots of variations on this, with or
without interface etc, but is there anything wrong with this? Those
escapes are octal values, and the 'm' for body length is 109 decimal,
which is the count including all the rest of the characters excluding
the very last three nulls, which are just padding.


Would be very grateful for some pointers on what I'm missing. Thanks!

-- Kristoffer

Kristoffer Lundén
✉ kristoffer.lunden at gmail.comkristoffer.lunden at gamemaker.nu
☎ 0704 48 98 77

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